Kalpana Manivannan
Coach | Social Entrepreneur I Urban Farmer I Blogger I Author
I want to create awareness that as consumers, we have the power to change the world by just changing the way we consume, by just being careful and conscious of what we buy and where we choose to spend our hard-earned money.
Many a times, we are lost on where to start this so called “sustainable living”. Mine is an attempt to get you started on few areas, to give you the motivation and confidence that ” YES, I CAN”
You are welcome to explore and subscribe to MY BLOGS , browse through FREE RESOURCES to get you started. I also conduct online workshops for some of you interested in gaining hands-on knowledge.
You can pre-order homemade natural soaps HERE
You can also subscribe to my FREE NEWSLETTER HERE.
Follow My Blogs: Farming, Cooking, Parenting, Sustainable Living, Random Musings
Buy Soap Making E-Course: Ultimate Guide to Create Your Own Nourishing Soaps at Home
Register to E-Course. Learn to make natural, chemical free home cleaners
Attend Online WhatsApp Workshop: Learn basics of setting up a organic vegetable garden