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10 Things You Should Know About Country Eggs

10 Things You Should Know About Country Eggs

Let’s talk about eggs today…

These are eggs I bought from villagers who happen to be my farm neighbours.
These are Free-range, country Eggs…

I thought I will share some interesting facts about eggs today.


  • That eggs naturally have an antibacterial coating over them?
  • And Did You Know, that it is called “The Bloom”?
  • And also, Did You Know, that fresh eggs that haven’t been washed, DO NOT require refrigeration?

This so called “Bloom” completely seals all the pores on the egg’s surface and protects it from any external microbial infection. When the eggs are washed, this natural protective coating is removed and the egg is now open for attack from germs around and hence the necessity for refrigeration.

Now, what does all this mean?
Look at the eggs. They aren’t washed as you see. I am talking about the slightly/mostly soiled ones. Can you spot the one in the middle of the pile of eggs that looks particularly disgusting; Yeah, that’s what I am talkin’ about!

Of course, you must wash it before cooking though…Duh! But not necessarily before that…

I don’t get a regular supply of these eggs, as it is with anything that isn’t mass produced/industrialised. I am just happy to have them whenever I get it. Before I started buying directly from chicken farmers, I was always looking for country eggs and I did buy it a couple of times from the supermarket but was skeptical about its authenticity. Do you want to know some interesting things about country eggs…?

Well, let me share a few things that you can easily notice about country eggs. After reading this, no one can fool you; I can assure you that! You don’t have to be an expert…

  • Country eggs don’t crack easily.
  • Their shells are much thicker.
  • When you boil them, peeling off the shell is a bit of a task as it is firmly attached to the inside membrane of the egg.
  • They come in varied colours and they aren’t uniformly colored.
  • They come in different sizes too. Again, not uniformly sized.
  • The Yolks are almost always richer/darker/yellower (I know that’s not a word) but you get the idea


So do keep these in mind and avoid getting fooled.

Some crucial health information regarding Free-range Country Eggs:

  • The hens laying eggs are “not-factory” produced and are reared humanely and ethically-happy hen equals healthy eggs!
  • They are fed on more natural feeds than their factory-produced counter-parts
  • They are Antibiotic-Free and Hormone-Free

And for those of you who don’t have access to direct buying options, here’s a farm that sells country eggs and complies with all the regulations and practices ethical rearing of hens.

Check out their website to know more –

And No, this is not a sponsored post. Just sharing some information that I happen to know.

As they say, happy hens lay more eggs and healthy eggs too. The lady has to be kept happy guys…So try and buy Free Range Country Eggs as far as possible directly from your neighbourhood chicken farmer. And if you are struggling to find healthy, good quality country eggs for your family, then this should help!

I hope you have all the facts and figures you need now. I am sure this post on 10 things you should know about country eggs will help you make a better choice next time.

More info on many other sustainable and healthy options in coming up in my next post.

Until then…



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4 Responses

  1. Thank you for this detailed information about country eggs. It is really useful. I didn’t know about the protective coating until today. How long can we keep these eggs, Kalpana?? Summer/winter? Any specific guideline?

    We used to buy from one person who used to deliver once every week to us. He used to bicycle all the way from porur to Royapettah to sell these. We trust him with the eggs.

    1. Thank you Jayanthy. Glad you found this post useful. If it hadn’t been washed, it’s said that it can be kept in room temperature for about 3-4 weeks even. But without knowing the source and treatment of eggss, we can’t try that. Refrigerating is always safe in these cases. Good to hear about your egg supplier:)

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