All the new age advancements and information overload can’t hold a candle to our ancient wisdom. And no, this is not a religious post.
Sample this –
All temples in India typically have a Kalasam (or Kalash) at the top of temple towers. (Wait, is this a religious post? No, it’s not. Please read along just a bit more to find out)
This Kalasam is mostly made of metal and is one of the prominent symbols of temples. Now getting to the significance of the kalasam – Since ancient times the kalasam has been filled with navadanya (nine grains). This was practiced to ensure that the seeds were available for growing crops and sustaining life in case of natural calamities. What an insightful thing to do!
It was believed that Kalasam being the top most structure in the temple, it could withstand any destruction and survivors of any calamity would have the seeds to redevelop and grow crops for sustenance. Such was the importance given to seed saving…always thinking of future generations to come and ensure that the source of our food is preserved and protected.
Did you know that once in 12 years, the grains in the temple kalasams are refilled and changed during a festival called “Kudamuzhugu Vizha”?
Our ancestors had been doing such a sensible and wise thing from what I read from BC. This abundant ancient wisdom prevailed way before all these scientific and technological advancements happened; and here we are at the stage where we have completely lost over 93% of our heirloom seeds.
In what way is this advancement? What are we advancing towards…extinction?
Please buy native heirloom seeds whether it’s for consumption or for growing plants in your garden. Grow more varieties of indigenous crops just so its circulation increases and we can save our seeds from perishing.
Don’t buy hybrid varieties (as much as possible)
Let’s not lose our native seeds to hybrids and GMOs.
Pic courtesy – internet
5 Responses
Thought provoking
Hey Janani. What a lovely surprise to read your comment. Thank you so much.
What are the Nine heirloom seeds?
These are nine grains/legumes consumed in Indian Peninsula. They are Wheat, Rice (paddy), sesame seeds, pigeon pea, cow pea, green gram, black gram, horse gram and chick pea.