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Blogger overwhelm




“Blogger Overwhelm”- Now this aptly describes my current state. Yeah, overwhelmed I am and to the extent that I want to switch off from social media for now; I was never a consistent blogger but it never affected me as I was busy with my full-time job and blogging was a passion to which I contributed to only when I felt the need to pen down my thoughts. But ever since I took a break from active work force I have been facing this blogger overwhelm because I feel I have enough time and space to contribute, but I haven’t been doing as much as I would have liked to. Anyone else feel this way?
Well, I decide to read up on this writer’s block a bit and guess what, there was a truck load of information on that.

Subsequently I stumbled upon this quote which made sense.
“Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all” – Charles Bukowski
I have been struggling for some time now with this blogger’s block and I am really hoping that writing about this will somehow miraculously rid me of that awful block. I used to be able to write on everyday events quite easily. Thoughts would pour out and words would flow smoothly but not off-late, not as of now.
I started introspecting a bit and found out some amazing insights and reasons for my current situation.
1. Too much un-structured time:
I noticed that mostly these writing spurts happened while I was pressed for time and had deadlines at work or home front. And somehow even in my busy schedule, I would squeeze in some time to jot down my thoughts; but off late even though I am on a break, I still find myself not drawn towards writing as I used to be. I also know for a fact that only during the most pressing times when you have hundred other things on your plate that inspiration for writing strikes. I don’t know why it happens but it sure happens…always.
Wait…I might be on to something here. Could it be because I have all the time to write and I am not pressed for time and maybe that’s why I am unable to write? Strange but true. Yeah, culprit number one – Too much un-structured time can make you unproductive.
There, I got my first reason or at the least I think that’s a legit reason.
2. Too many things to do without clear deadlines:
As I continued to introspect more, I stumble upon my second reason. There are umpteen numbers of things I need to get done but there is no particular time frame to finish them. For instance, updating my farm page on facebook, creating content for my personal blog, building my own website, documenting my farm development, recording my seed planting schedule, drawing up a plan for my vegetable patch, recording my experiments with homemade solutions or visitations to my farm; all these things are happening but as there is no external push or deadline I end up taking care of things on priority basis and let the other things slide and leave them hanging.
So, that brings me to the second reason and that is having too many things to do but without any clear deadline in sight.
3. The most obvious reason – procrastination
I can be quite lazy when I want to and procrastinate endlessly. But I am also equally committed to finishing a task once I take it on. So I guess it’s all in the mind and I better get on with it sooner than later.
So, now that I know the whys, I guess I must start working on a schedule and plan ahead if I don’t want to see myself in this spot again.
These are the core areas I need to work on;
• Plan ahead and make a schedule
• Focus on keeping up with my schedule without procrastinating
• Cut-out distractions and steer clear of them
Here’s to fighting my blogger overwhelm and coming out victorious. And I wish the same for anyone who is in the same boat as me. May you succeed in finding and nailing your reasons of blogger overwhelm.

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25 Responses

  1. I wrote consistently for two months and then last week was all about travel. For the past three days, I felt so exhausted that I couldn’t even write a word. Somehow I planned today’s schedule last night and managed to stick it. Pre planning on the night before works well for me. Loved this introspective piece.

  2. I m sure every blogger must have gone through this phase not just once but many time in his/her journey. My main problem is distraction. Working on it. I hope things will fall in place soon for you too 🙂

      1. For me, distraction is every single thing that diverts my mind be it my phone notifications, kids, office pressure or even a thought of finishing my household pie ups. So, when I sit to write a blog now, I close all the other windows on my laptop, be it fb, twitter, web whatsapp etc. I prefer writing only when kids are in school or sleeping and I have mostly done my cooking and other misc stuff. I need a peaceful mind and atomosphere to pen something nice.

        1. You are right Vartika. Happens to me all the time. Only after you settle down to write something that a pending chore or phone or courier or something comes up…Totally distracts you and you lose a considerable amount of time attending to it. FB has become a major distraction for me nowadays…Let’s work through our distractions and share what works for us. This is really nice…to chat with friends who face almost the same issues though miles apart. Thanks for sharing …lets try our ways and come up with what works for us and share soon.

  3. I definitely agree with your reasons! I think we get a lot of things done when we are pressed for time. And sometimes when you face difficulties in blogging regularly because you don’t know what to write about, all you got to do is just write about something!

    1. Thank you so much. Feels good to know you are not the odd one out here. And yes, as you rightly said, just write about something…anything. I have seen in the past that it works for me…when i sit down to sit, thoughts automatically pour in. I guess that’s the trick. Thanks so much for the support. Really appreciate it Reema.

  4. Blogger overwhelm ! What an apt word . I too find that the little iPhone comes between me and my real world leaving my unstructured time completely over run with typing words on Blogs that no one reads …..

  5. Thank you so much for your kind words Natasha. I love your writing a lot too. Words like these are so encouraging and makes me want to write more. And it is so nice knowing that i have company in my ordeal and i am not alone. Being unstructured and smartphones are the biggest hurdles i am facing currently. But now that i have put it down on paper i feel i can handle it. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. Means a lot!

      1. It was absolutely my pleasure connecting with you and sharing thoughts on the same issue plaguing us. And you just made my day with this comment. I am on cloud nine…Thank you so much. Loads of love to you. Let’s try things that works for us and share soon. So happy to know that you are already getting back on track…More power to you.

  6. Omg! Just read your beautiful beautiful post! Loved it! You painted such a vivid picture of the place that i fell in love with it even without visiting it. 🙂
    And thank you so much for your generous kind words. I am so happy to have connected with you.
    About the toothbrushes – you can buy them at (their packaging is eco-friendly too)
    And I bought my stainless steel straws from Amazon (though it comes in plastic packaging), as I couldn’t find it in farmer’s market. Thank you so much for the interest shown. Hope this is helpful.
    Keep writing. Waiting for your next post!

  7. Btw, better to go for stainless steel straws as you can wash them and use them for long. And buy straws along with a straw cleaner. Most of them are sold with the cleaning brush. Better to buy them to avoid any hassles latter looking for cleaning options.

  8. I am glad you stumbled upon that quote and worked towards it. All those ideas that you shared work for me. I don’t get assignments because I usually reject them. Having said that, I am glad that I write what I want to write and with a schedule.
    Looking forward to read more from you.

    1. So nice to hear your thoughts on this topic Parul. Its heartening to know everyone faces these hurdles now and then. And its so nice that you shared your views on this…very helpful indeed. Thank you so much for stopping by. It’s wonderful to have connected with you. Love your blog.

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