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Building garden arbors

I have been talking about this for sometime now and it’s finally done. It was my dream to have arbors built in my garden spaces. We had a big pergola entrance covered with bougainvillea already and ever since that, I wanted many more miniature arches and arbors at different points in my farm.

I wanted to build these arbors using bamboos from our farm. This seemed like a wonderful way to use the excess bamboo we were pruning constantly. The bamboos got used effectively and we got an efficient way to grow the climbers plus bonus advantage of adding charm to the vegetable patch with a beautiful arch. Our ground space gets effectively managed as we incorporate these vertical structures too.
Imagine having climbing roses or alamandas and even bottle gourds hanging from these arbors as you walk under them…Oh I couldn’t wait to make it happen.


But I always thought we needed professional help to build it and so we kept putting it off for later. But lucky for me, my impatience got the better of me and I decided that we were going to build them ourselves using the materials we could find on our farm at absolutely zero cost.

As it happens with my grand plans for my farm, I approach hubby dearest with my idea and he immediately pooh poohs it – “No way, we can’t do this on our own. We’ll need more man-power and power tools as well”. After some persuading on how we can go about it by presenting a rather detailed step-by-step explanation, he reluctantly gets onboard. Sure I am the planner but execution happens as a team. We sure make a great team!
See, how we made arbors on zero budget with materials from our own farm!

I hope this inspires you to do something creative with your garden space using materials you already have. Click below to watch the video. And don’t forget to subscribe as we share more such garden inspiration.

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