As the year winds down, it’s time to look ahead and plan for the upcoming year; but somehow I will not be able to do that until I look back on this wonderful and eventful year that was nothing short of a life changing one. It brought in dreams and possibilities I never thought was possible and made it come true…And one such dream was having a thriving organic farm of my own.

I am so hopelessly in love with 2018 that it’s going to be hard to say goodbye but it has to be done and what better way than to reminisce and chronicle my journey thus far…
I am starting a series of posts wherein I will be writing down my experiences and thoughts I had during this past year. This is my way of recording my journey as a city-dweller realizing her farm dream.
This is the first post, of many others that will follow. Would you come along as I go down memory lane?
As I had mentioned in my earlier posts, that I wanted to document my organic farming journey for my own journaling purpose and for anyone who might find it useful in their own quest to start organic farming. I had been sharing my journey mostly through my facebook page Â though I always wanted to elaborate on some crucial topics someday. And I guess, that someday, is today.
To bring you up to speed, I have already shared the details of how the interest in farming set in here and how we zeroed in on our farm    how it all started and a little about my farm.
So, let’s travel back in time a bit to the day which propelled us into action. It was indeed a memorable day for us.
26 Dec 2017
26th Dec 2017 was the day. And why is it so special. Well, you will see. You had read about how depressing it was for us to wait for a year and half doing nothing while we waited for the electricity connection right? If you haven’t then read it here Well, today is the day we got electricity for our farm!
Can you see something in the picture? Nope. Not the tree. Not the car.
The electric post! Yes.
Finally…finally that’s the sign of electricity connection on the farm.
Ah…this is a happy sight for me. Very happy to see this.
This, my friends, marks the beginning of a dream I had been nurturing for so long. It was all in my head and now it’s going to see the day light.
Getting electricity connection for our farm is the green signal that will help us flag off ‘Project Organic Farm’ soon.
I am itching to start growing my vegetables and herbs almost immediately so I can start living my dream of harvesting organic veggies for my family from my very own farm. But as we start looking into this a little more deeply, there seems to be a lot of issues that might crop up once we are deep into this thing. We need to address all the possible issues to get a clear picture before we take a leap.
The issues we are looking at right now;
- Once we get the soil ready for planting, how will we spend time working and toiling in the farm if there is no place to rest; If we plan on working on the farm on the weekends, we would need a place to cool off after a hard day’s work, a restroom obviously and a place to store all the gardening tools and stuff.
- With both of us working full-time jobs in the city, we will be able to go to the farm only on weekends (our farm is approx. one hour away from the place we live) How will the garden sustain without constant supervision and watering on a daily basis?
- We need to look at hiring a farm helper to look after our farm while we were away.
When all these above questions started poking its head out, the same disillusionment returned; all excitement vanished and the path looked bleak again. We were back to square one. The thought of holding this organic farm project off till retirement, kept recurring. Few days went by in utter desolation and then, a sort of crazy thought crossed our mind.
What if we went ahead with the farmhouse project first and hold the garden project for a while… It sounded strange first but when we analysed the pros and cons, this seemed like the best foot forward if we ever wanted to make this dream a reality.
For one, we would have a place to rest/stay over and look after the garden well. Because truth be told an organic farm without a house was disaster waiting to happen. Initially in our excitement, we might be willing to go and work on the farm braving the scorching sun (summers can be killer here down south) and rain too during the rainy months. Without a place to rest, we knew we would soon be ready to give up. And that’s not what we wanted.
So with the enlightenment dawning on us, we started looking at a beautiful prospect of visiting our farm and staying in a beautiful farmhouse.
How beautiful that would be right!
To read about my dream farmhouse click here
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